Thursday, February 7, 2008

Renegade Updates

The Renegades Boots can now be upgraded to a larger heel captivator for bigger boned horses. If your heel captivator is very tight to pull up, you may want to send your boots back to have a wider captivator installed.

In January, about 30 riders used Renegades at the Land of the Sun ride. The winner and the second place horse were riding in Renegades - click here for more info -

Also, when you are putting on your Renegades, make sure you pull up the captivator high enough so that is sits perfectly around the heel bulbs. If it is too tight to do this, you may need longer cables or the wider captivator, or both. The company has a very fast turn- around time on upgrading boots.

The new 00s are adorable and work great on hind hooves.

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